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Artist Reception
 Conversation with Wine and Hors d'oeuvres 

 You're  invited! 

    T H U R S D A Y
June 23, 2022    5:00 PM to 7:00 PM


1700 G Street NW

on Liberty Plaza


The manner in which Brian Dailey has mined his life experiences through art is epitomized in 14 Stations at the Crossroads, an autobiographical series of paired photographic tableaus and paintings linked through the symbolism of corresponding colors. The series is a narrative of the artist’s journey and a portrayal of the decisions that helped define his identity and character. When viewed in its totality, 14 Stations at the Crossroads reveals the full circle of an odyssey beginning in art and later to government and business, and finally back to art. Digging deeper into the various stations in the narrative arc, one finds hints of, if not the cause for, each pivotal point in the artist’s journey.

Embedded throughout these narratives are elements that reference details of the artist’s experiences, including the symbolism evoked through the primary palette of colors used in rendering the floors. These colors in turn correspond to the respective Stations in the fourteen sequentially paired canvases. The paintings represent a reductionist look at the photographic tableaus in the context of “space and time” and are structured around a metaphorical set of crossroads inset on a dark gray background.

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